Mocking queries

Customize mocks for queries by defining a Query scenario.

Let's start with the following schema:

type Query {
launch: Launch
type Launch {
id: ID!
site: String
rockets: [Rocket]
isBooked: Boolean!
type Rocket {
id: ID!
name: String
model: String
fuel: Fuel
enum Fuel {

We have a single query: launch which will return information about the ongoing rocket launch.

Default mocks using no configuration

To start mocking with Kimera, pass the schema definition to the getExecutableSchema function from Kimera as the typeDefs option. This will generate mocks for all queries in the schema, with zero configuration.

const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server');
const { getExecutableSchema } = require('@lola-tech/graphql-kimera');
const schema = `
type Query {
const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: schema });
const apollo = new ApolloServer({
schema: executableSchema,
introspection: true,
apollo.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

Customize mocks by defining the Query scenario

In order to customize the mocks, we'll need to define our first mock provider: the Query scenario.

In order to use our scenario we need to define a function that we will pass as the mockProvidersFn option to getExecutableSchema.

This mockProvidersFn function needs to return an object with our scenario.

const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({
mockProvidersFn: (context) => ({
scenario: {
launch: {
site: 'Kennedy Space Station',
rockets: [{}, { model: 'Exploration Vessel', fuel: 'DILITHIUM' }],
isBooked: true,

This will make it so the launch query is mocked with its:

  • site field set to Kennedy Space Station;
  • rockets field containing two rockets, and the second rocket being of "Exploration Vessel" model:

All other fields that haven't been explicitly mocked will be mocked with default values.


query {
launch {
rockets {

will yield (custom mocks highlighted):

"data": {
"launch": {
"id": "Mocked Id Scalar",
"site": "Kennedy Space Station",
"rockets": [
"name": "Mocked String Scalar",
"type": "Mocked String Scalar",
"fuel": "PLASMA"
"name": "Mocked String Scalar",
"type": "Exploration Vessel",
"fuel": "DILITHIUM"
"isBooked": true

What is a scenario?


When we refer to "the scenario" we refer to the Query scenario (ie. the scenario for the Query type).

To understand what a scenario is, we'll focus on understanding the Query scenario. To build the correct mental model, think about how the Query type would look in an object form.

For example, take the following slightly modified schema:

type Query {
launch: Launch
rockets: [Rockets]!
type Launch {
id: ID!
site: String
rockets: [Rocket]
isBooked: Boolean!
type Rocket {
id: ID!
name: String
model: String

The Query type object form (or in short the Query object) would be:

launch: {
id: "...",
site: "...",
rockets: [
{ id: "...", name: "...", model: "..."},
isBooked: "..."
rockets: [
{ id: "...", name: "...", model: "..."},

Keeping all of this in mind, the Query scenario (or simply "the scenario") is an object that:

  • contains mocks for the Query type;
  • has the same structure as the Query object.

Kimera allows you to define scenarios for other types than Query in the context of builders (another type of mock provider) or in resolvers, but we'll talk more about that in other sections of the docs.

Next, we'll talk about some of the characteristics of a scenario.

A scenario can mock fewer fields than what's in the schema

A scenario doesn't need to contain all of the fields of the type it mocks. In fact, it can contain as few or as many fields we want to mock, as long as it matches the structure of - in the case of the Query scenario - the Query object.

These are all valid scenarios:

launch: {
site: "Kennedy Space Station",
rockets: [{}, { model: "Exploration Vessel" }],
isBooked: true,
launch: {
site: "Kennedy Space Station",
rockets: [{}, {}],
rockets: [{ model: "Starship", name: "Enterprise" }],

A scenario can go as deep as possible

A scenario can be as deep or as shallow we want, type permitting. Take the following schema:

type Query {
me: User
type User {
address: Address!
name: String!
type Address {
city: String
country: Country!
type Country {
language: String!

These are all valid scenarios:

me: {
address: {
country: {
language: "Latin",
me: {
address: {
city: "Berlin",
me: {
name: "Dumitru Prunariu",

Next, we'll learn how to mock individual types using another mock provider: builders.