Getting Started

This page explains what Kimera is, and the problems it's designed to solve.

Kimera is a JavaScript library for mocking GraphQL APIs. Learn how to use Kimera in the "Using Kimera" section of the docs. See its API in the "API" section of the docs.

What does Kimera do

Kimera creates a GraphQL executable schema with mocked data, and it allows you to be very precise about how data should be mocked.

For example, take this schema:

type Query {
rockets: [Rocket]
type Rocket {

Let's say we want to customize the rockets query so that:

  • it returns 5 rockets
  • the first and the last rockets be of type Shuttle

To do that you can write a scenario:

rockets: [
{ model: "Shuttle" },
{}, {}, {},
{ model: "Shuttle" }

For more about all the ways you can customize mocks, see the "Using Kimera" section of the docs.

Why Kimera?

Speed up the prototyping process

Kimera allows you to get a mocked server up and running by just providing the schema definition. You can then customize the mocks using mock providers.

Allow large teams to better coordinate

In larger teams, frontend developers can negotiate schema changes with the backend developers and then quickly add mocks for the changes in a Kimera version of the server while the backend team gets to implementing the changes.

Improve testing in frontend applications that use GraphQL

Using Kimera allows you to customize query responses by defining a single scenario as opposed to exhaustively mocking each query response, which is extremely useful for large component trees where queries are used at different levels of the component hierarchy.