Kimera logoKimera

A library for mocking GraphQL servers with precision

Start a mock GraphQL server with zero configuration

All you need to get a mock server up and running is your schema, Kimera and a GraphQL Server.

const { ApolloServer, gql } = require("apollo-server");
const { getExecutableSchema } = require("@lola-tech/graphql-kimera");
const schema = gql`
type Query {
const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: schema });
const apollo = new ApolloServer({
schema: executableSchema,
apollo.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`🚀 Server ready at ${url}`);

Customize mocks with scenarios and builders

Kimera allows you to mock the response to any number of queries with a single scenario object.

Mock GraphQL types with builders.

const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({
mockProvidersFn: (context) => ({
scenario: {
// Mock the `rockets` query to
// return three rockets, the first named "Saturn V":
rockets: [{ name: "Saturn V" }, {}, {}],
me: { name: "Homer" }
builders: {
// "Rocket" fields that aren't addressed in the scenario
// are mocked using the "Rocket" builder:
Rocket: () => ({
model: ["Orion", "Apollo"][_.random(0, 1)],
name: "Rocket name",

Write resolvers only when you need to

You can write resolvers, but you don't need to.

When you do, you'll get easy access to the mocks through the store.

const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: schema,
mockProvidersFn: (context) => ({
scenario: {
rockets: mockResolver(
(store) => (_, { model }) => {
const rockets = store.get();
return rockets.filter((r) => r.model === model);
// You'll even be able to specify how the mocks are built.
[{ model: "Shuttle" }, {}, { model: "Shuttle" }]