Mocking Mutations

Manage change by updating the store in mutation resolvers.


This page assumes you know how to setup your app to use the Kimera executable schema. If you don't, check out the Setup section of the docs.

Let's start with a schema that has createRocket mutation.

# ...
type Mutation {
createRocket(input: CreateRocketInput!): CreateRocketPayload!
input CreateRocketInput {
name: String!
model: String!
type CreateRocketPayload {
rockets: [Rocket]
successful: Boolean!
type Rocket {
id: ID!
name: String
model: String

The createRocket mutation takes a name and a model for the new rocket, and returns the complete list of rockets, including the new one if it's successful.

mutationResolversFn example

In order to pass this new mutation, we'll have to do it as part of the return object of a new getExecutableSchema option: mutationResolversFn.

To define a resolver for a mutation with Kimera, we need use a new getExecutableSchema option: the mutationResolversFn function.

mutationResolversFn needs to return an object with all mutation resolvers we want to define.

const executableSchema = getExecutableSchema({
// typeDefs & mockProviders
mutationResolversFn: (store, buildMocks) => ({
// Example of how you would use buildMocks to build a node of a specific
// type. If the Rocket `model` is omitted from the `input`, the `Shuttle`
// value defined in the `Rocket` builder is used.
createRocket: (_, { input }) => {
let newRocket = null;
// Example of mocking the unhappy path
if ( !== 'Fail') {
// Mock a new `Rocket` using the `input` arg as a scenario
newRocket = buildMocks('Rocket', { ...input });
// Update the store by appending the new rocket
store.update({ rockets: ['rockets'), newRocket] });
return {
successful: !== 'Fail',
rockets: store.get('rockets'),

mutationResolversFn API

Kimera passes two arguments to mutationResolversFn:

  • store: This is an object which holds all of the mocks for our schema. It defines two methods:
    • store.get(path = ''): The get method will accept an optional path string, and return the mocked value stored at that specific path.
    • store.update(path, updateValue): The update method will update the value at the supplied path with the new value. If the updated value is an object, the new value will be deeply merged over the existing value.
  • buildMocks('TypeName', scenario): This is a function mocks a specific type using existing mock providers, and optionally, a custom scenario that we can provide at execution.

Next we'll look at several examples of using these arguments.

store and buildMocks examples

Starting with some form of the following schema:

type Query {
launch: Launch
type Launch {
rockets: [Rocket]
address: Address
type Address {
line1: String
country: String
type Rocket {

Here are a few ways to affect the mocked data in a mutation:

mockProvidersFn: (context) => ({
builders: {
Address: () => ({
line1: "Example Street",
country: "Examplestan"
mutationResolversFn: (store, buildMocks) => ({
[mututationName]: function resolver(_, args, ...) {
// Returns the 'Query' type mocks.
// Returns the mocks for a value deeper in the graph.
// This can go as deep as needed. e.g.: ''.
// Partially update the value of an Object Type field.
launch: {
address: {
country: 'Cuba',
// Completely replace an Object Type.
launch: {
// When the supplied scenario omits fields, like we do with `line1`
// here, Kimera will use a builder to figure out how mock it.
// In this case, `buildMocks` will use `Example Street` mock for the `line1` field.
address: buildMocks('Address', { country: 'Cuba' }),
// Replace a list field with an empty list.
launch: {
rockets: [],
// Append a list field.
launch: {
rockets: ['launch.rockets'),
// The `buildMocks` scenario can be omitted, and Kimera will use the
// 'Rocket' builder, if existing to figure out how to mock this type.
// ...

For an example of using mutations, check out the server example in the Kimera Github repository.